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Waste to Compost from MSW


Bio-Organic fertilizer is made by accelerated bio conversion process under controlled conditions using remains of fruits, vegetables, food and by-products of agro process industry.

Uses: Bio-Organic fertilizer is used alone or in combination with chemical fertilizers at the time of drilling or broadcast sowing / transplanting. It can also be applied as side dressing along the rows or encircling the plants.


Colour Black to dark brown
Texture Free flowing coarse powder
Variable weed seeds Absence
Odour Earthy smell
Maturity test Positive (Digested)
Moisture % 20-25
Total organic matter % 20-25
pH 6.8-7.8
Carbon: Nitrogen ratio 12.1:18.1
Nitrogen 1.60 to 2.50
Phosphorous 0.80 to 1.20
Potassium 0.80 to 1.20


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Green fuel (RDF) from MSW


Dry municipal solid waste is dried, crushed, screened and packed into brick form, used as substitute to conventional fossil fuels in boilers.


Total moisture 15-20%
Ash 12-13%
Chlorides 0.21
Sulphur 0.27
Volatile matter 53%
Gross Calorific Value 2250-3500 Kcal
Brick size 8”/15”
Av. Concentration of PM (mg/NM3)

49.5 (PCB limits: 150)

SO2 concentration (ppm)

21.80 (PCB limits:100)

NOX concentration (?)

3.10 (PCB limits: 50)


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Recycled plastic from MSW


The plastic after being segregated from mixed MSW is sorted into various grades using infra-red beams and then converted to ingots/granules. It’s a completely dry process ensuring no pollution or contamination.

Uses: Recycled ingots/granules reduce the requirement of fresh plastic and are used in manufacturing of trash bags, agricultural pipes, mouldings, ropes etc.



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Residual sand from MSW


The processed remnant material is further treated (in current operating plants) to extract any other form of recyclables such as sand. It ensures that the material being sent to the landfills is not more than 20%. 

Uses: It can be used to supplement dredged sand used in construction.


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